Return Policy

Only manufacturer defects or items damaged during shipping* (terms and conditions apply) will be eligible for full credit. Items that are damaged or missing must be reported within 24 hours of delivery. All returned items will incur a 10% restocking fee unless the fault of Blue Umbrella Impex Inc., and the customer will be responsible for any shipping charges.

Returns that are not authorized will not be credited or reshipped.

Fees for Restocking

Blue Umbrella Impex Inc. reserves the right to assess a 10% restocking fee on all returned items. In order to avoid problems, please thoroughly review your order during the order review section of the checkout.

Shortages and Damages

Order errors must be reported within 24 hours of delivery. All orders are shipped in good condition from our warehouse. You must keep the original boxes and file a claim with the carrier if your boxes appear to have been opened, re-taped, damaged, or tampered with in any way. Please contact a Customer Service Representative to file a claim if your order arrives in good condition but contains damages, shortages, or overages. If Blue Umbrella Impex Inc. is at fault, any damaged or shorted merchandise will be credited or reshipped at our expense. Blue Umbrella Impex Inc. will arrange for return shipping in the event of overages or incorrect merchandise

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